As an animal intuitive for most of my life and professionally trained nine years ago, I find it a privilege when the animal world allows me to support them and their humans. It is fascinating that we are all connected and can tap into each other’s energy, even hundreds or thousands of miles away. And this goes for our pets too.

I can connect with an animal in a variety of ways, by them visually showing me images, giving me a feeling or sensation, or hearing messages from them, and on some occasions, even what they are smelling.

I utilize a few modalities such as intuitive messages, Colour Mirrors system, Flower Essences, oracle cards, and a specialized animal chakra pendulum chart created by my mentor and teacher, Marla Steele. 

Clients typically reach out when issues with their pet(s), such as behavioral, end-of-life transitioning, or even a lost pet.  

DisclaimerPsychic advice is not a substitute for veterinary treatment. Please take your animal to an emergency clinic if it is sick or injured.

I look forward to the privilege and opportunity to connect with you and your pet family.