01. The Sun – I Am (Yellow/Yellow)


This Sun bottle vibrates to the energy of the sun – the light source and the life force of the world. It also resonates with the energy centre at the centre of your being, the solar plexus. This first bottle acknowledges your I AMness, that feeling of being totally connected with your highest aspect. This is true power – the recognition that the Divine is in everything and oneness is the natural state of the universe. This bottle clears confusion and fear and is helpful for SAD and depression. Yellow is the colour of intellect, brightness, light, and joy. The Colour Mirrors system as a whole is a journey of Ascension, and as Ascension is a by-product of joy, the only way the system could really begin was with a bottle that reflects that joy. This bottle is very helpful with depression. USES: This bottle has also been found to be helpful in working with father issues. It is also good to use in conjunction with the Yellow Angel Essence.

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